Wednesday 16 November 2011

Today I made 20 copies of my first zine. I thought I'd be happy, excited, all good things. I am disheartened. I've made some rookie mistakes, and feel I should now send out a disclaimer alongside my zine.
I'm being hard on myself. I'm my own worst critic. I have this belittling voice inside my head, repeating 'WHY DID YOU THINK YOU COULD MAKE A ZINE? YOU ARE AN IDIOT'.

To list the problems-
After copying, cutting, stapling, I realised some bits have been cut off. It is nothing major, but I'm still pissed at myself. I didn't leave enough margin space.

Typos. I knew there were a few, I did try typing the pages again, over and over, but still kept making mistakes because I'm not that great at using my typewriter yet. I've already made a small apology about this in the intro to the zine, and hope people will overlook it for now.

Page numbers have been cut off, meaning I have to write them back on by hand.

Around 50% of the covers came out darker, on these particular covers the text is barely readable, so I have had to write the title of the zine on these ones.

I think that is probably about it. I feel like overall, it looks a bit messy. Maybe this should be expected from a debut? I feel like I shouldn't send it out, but I did work hard on it, I've fallen at the last hurdle. Maybe a disclaimer with the zine, and the hope I will learn from my mistakes in the issues to follow, will be enough?



  1. Everyone fucks up. Especially on their first issue. Unless the zine is about graphic design or something nobody's expecting it to be perfect. And remember you can always tippex typos and write in the corrections by hand if it's bothering you that much.

  2. Thanks Will. I've talked to a couple of zinester friends about my worries and I'm feeling better about it all. I knew I'd fuck it up somewhere along the way. Gotta embrace it now.

  3. Hi, Sarah. I saw your post on the zine forum and would be interested in trading zines. My latest Ken Chronicles is 24 digest-sized pages, a perzine all about me (travels, opinion, anecdotes, etc.) with lots of photos (color centerfold spread). If you're interested, email me at -Ken
